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Terris Todd Public Speech


“Whenever Terris speaks, no matter the topic spoken on, I am always inspired to think more and do more. There is always a take-away that leads to becoming a better person.” ~ Kaitlin Cooley


"Terris Todd delivers his message with the warmth and skill of a wise heart. His rhythmic cadence is both persuasive and entertaining." ~ Bishop Hugh Smith Jr


"Terris Todd is a powerful compassionate conservative voice. His love of country and God has no ends. Education is THE Civil Rights issue of our time and Terris has championed literacy for not only his children but OURS!" ~ Dr. Linda Lee Tarver 


"Terris is one of the most powerful speakers I have ever heard.  His ability to connect with an audience is second to none and to bring the issue he is speaking about to a new yet understandable level is incredible." ~ Dave Morgan 

Terris Todd is an engaging speaker who captivates audiences with the story of his faith-based journey to the Republican party and Washington, D.C.  Listeners are motivated and challenged as they consider their own personal values and how to live out those values in the midst of opposition.  The call to Faith, Family, and Freedom resonates through Terris’ every conversation and encourages his audiences to face the future with determination, optimism, and strength.

Pastor Terris Todd [My Spiritual Nephew],
“You were brave enough to live the life of your dream, You did not allow others to tell you what you can’t do, or let their limitations limit your vision, and instead of expectations and opinions of others, you trusted in The Almighty God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”.
I am so proud of you,
Dr Bishop Tino W. Smith Sr.


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